12 Ways to Update Your Brand

When it comes to branding, there are a lot of things that you can do in order to keep your company looking fresh. However, not all of these changes will be effective, and some can even be damaging if they’re not done carefully. In this article, we’ll take a look at twelve different ways that you can update your brand without causing any harm.

1. Evaluate your current branding strategy

The first step to updating your brand is to take a hard look at what you’re doing currently. Are you happy with the results that you’re getting? If not, then it’s time to make some changes. Figure out what isn’t working and what you can do differently.

2. Update your logo 

Did you develop your company’s logo at the start? Is there a resemblance between your brand and your logo? Is it time to update your design, tagline, or color scheme? It’s an easy fix. Try using comparable hues, redesigning the appearance, or adding a new slogan.

3. Update your company’s resources 

It’s good to have a worksheet, chart, or graph for each book, mastermind, webinar, and so on. If these resources are written in chicken scratch scrawl on a legal pad, they may get lost in the shuffle or with time become indecipherable. Any materials like this that are currently in use should be updated using software or a cleaner version. They’ll be replaced with more attractive, updated versions.

4. Branding and marketing style guides 

You probably stick to certain colors and fonts on your website, as well as in your materials. You want those images to stand out and attract attention, not irritate people by being the same old thing. To keep it unified, make sure you have a single source of information, such as a picture style guide.

5. Update your slogan

What’s your slogan? When you first started your business, you likely created your tagline. You don’t have to alter your objective (unless you want to), but check deeper to see whether you can enhance the wording in your tagline so that prospects can understand what you’re selling right away.

6. Update your website 

Chances are, if you’ve been in business for a while, your website could use a refresh. Make sure the design is modern and the content is up-to-date. You may also want to consider including more videos on your site.

7. Update your social media posts 

Keep your branding consistent on all of your social media platforms. Use the same colors, fonts, and style in your posts.

8. Update your marketing materials 

Make sure your marketing collateral is up to date. This includes things like business cards, brochures, and product sheets.

9. Create or update your brand guidelines 

Having a set of brand guidelines will keep your branding consistent across all channels. Include things like your color palette, logo usage, and font choices.

10. Redesign your packaging 

If you sell physical products, make sure your packaging is on brand. This includes things like boxes, labels, and bags.

11. Update your email signature 

Include your updated logo and contact information in your email signature.

12. Add a blog to your website 

A blog is a great way to show your thought leadership and build trust with your audience. Make sure the topics are relevant to your business and that the content is well written.

Remember, it’s all about consistency these days. Make sure your branding is consistent in all of your social media posts, on your website, and wherever else you promote yourself. This may seem simple, but it’s easy to go astray. You keep your audience engaged rather than pulling them off track by using consistent visuals.

Make sure your brand reflects the truth about your company. It’s critical that it shows your business in a positive light.

If you’re in the market for a brand update, these are some great tips to get you started. By keeping your branding consistent and up-to-date, you’ll be able to better connect with your target audience and build trust with them. Have any questions about updating your brand? Our marketing team at ViviScape can help you update your brand or create a whole new brand strategy. Contact us or call (574) 207-6511.

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