5 Tips for Keeping Your Social Media Followers When You Rebrand

If you are looking to rebrand your business or organization, one of the biggest challenges that you will face is managing your social media accounts during this process. This is particularly challenging if you have a large and active following on these platforms. However, there are several things you can do to keep your social media followers engaged and interested in your updates, even during a time of change.

1. Planning your social media updates when rebranding

Planning the changes for your social media channels will be a challenging task in the rebranding process. Platforms differ in their requirements and audiences, so you’ll want to take time to plan your social media updates. Below are a few tips for the planning process.

Keep the focus on your customers and clients

One of the most important things to remember when updating your brand is  keeping your focus on the needs and interests of your customers. You do this by continuing to share content that is relevant and useful to them. Showing your followers that you are still focused on providing value to them will convince them to stick with you through the rebranding process.

Be clear about the changes you are making

When you do start to make changes to your social media accounts, it is important to be clear about what those changes are. Avoid making drastic or sudden changes, and instead give your followers a heads up about what to expect. You can do this by sharing blog posts or social media updates that explain the rationale behind the changes you are making.

Be consistent with your branding

Even though you are making changes to your brand, it’s important to be consistent with the way that you present yourself on social media. Use the same colors, fonts, and overall aesthetic in your posts and updates. This helps your followers still recognize your brand, even as it evolves.

Note the differences in social media platform requirements

When you are rebranding your business or organization, it is important to plan how the changes will be communicated on each individual social media platform. So, take note of any specific requirements for things like profile pictures, cover photos, and bios. By doing this in advance, you can avoid running into any issues once your rebranding process begins.

2. What to post on each social media channel

Now that you’ve gone through the planning process, it’s time to post.  Each social media platform allows for different types of content, so you’ll want to make sure that you are using the right type for each. For example, you may find that video is especially popular on some channels, while infographics do well on others.

One way to stay on top of what’s popular and effective on each channel is to regularly check in with social media analytics. This will give you insights into the types of content that are getting the most engagement from your followers. You can then use this information to inform your posting strategy going forward.

Keep your followers engaged during a rebrand

Even if you have a great plan in place, there will likely be times when your followers may feel disconnected from your updates. To keep their attention and engagement levels high, make sure that you are taking time each day to connect with them on a personal level.

One way to do this is through social media Q&A sessions or live chats. This shows your followers that you are still accessible and interested in hearing from them, even as you make changes to your brand.

Another way to keep your followers engaged is to share behind-the-scenes content. This could be anything from photos of your team working on the rebrand to updates on the progress of the project. By giving your followers a peek behind the curtain, you maintain their interest and excitement about the changes you are making.

3. Tips for creating a cohesive brand across all channels

Your messaging and branding should feel cohesive across all platforms.

One way to ensure this is by choosing a few key colors and fonts for use in your design assets. These same colors can then be carried over into your social media posts and updates, creating a sense of cohesion between your channels.

Another way to create cohesion is by using similar language (tone) across all platforms. This means using the same tone and voice in updates, regardless of where they are being posted. By doing this, you ensure that your followers always know they are hearing from the same brand.

While creating a cohesive brand across all social media platforms takes some time and effort, it’s well worth the investment. By creating a strong sense of consistency between your channels, you build trust and engagement with your followers, which will ultimately help to grow your brand.

4. Example of a brand that has done a great job rebranding and engaging their followers

One example of a brand that has done a great job rebranding and engaging their followers over the years is Starbucks. With over 17 million followers on Instagram alone, Starbucks has been able to consistently engage its followers with beautiful and dynamic content. This includes things like photos highlighting seasonal drinks and products, as well as behind-the-scenes videos of the baristas making them.

In addition to great content, Starbucks has also created a cohesive brand across all channels. This is evident in their use of similar colors, fonts, and messaging in their posts, regardless of the platform. As a result, their followers always know they are seeing content from the same trusted brand.

Starbucks brand goes back to 1971. So, in 2011, the company rebranded. The coffee shop chain dropped its signature wordmark, erasing the word “coffee” in the process. This allowed the company to branch out into new product offerings, not just coffee. The signature siren image became the sole image of the logo. It’s undeniably recognizable. The brand has truly achieved ubiquity. According to a recent Robinhood.com article, Starbucks plans to phase out its paper and plastic cups, instead making customers borrow Starbucks in-store tumblers or purchase their own reusable. Are customers ready for this cup-cutting endeavor? We shall see. Changes are risky, but this brand seems to have a good history of knowing their customers.

5. How to measure the success of your rebranding campaign

There are a few key metrics you can use to measure the success of your rebranding campaign.

One metric is social media engagement. This includes things such as likes, comments, and shares on your posts. You can track this data over time to see if there is an uptick in engagement after you launch your new branding.

Another metric to consider is website traffic. To track this, you can use tools like Google Analytics to see if there is an increase in the number of visitors to your website after you rebrand.

In addition to these quantitative metrics, it may also be helpful to get feedback from your followers and customers on how they feel about the changes you have made. This can be done through surveys or social media polls. By getting feedback from those who matter most to your business, you get a better idea of how successful your rebranding campaign has been.

Rebranding can be a great way to freshen up your image and engage your followers. By following these tips, you can ensure that your rebranding campaign is a success, both in terms of engagement and results.

If you’re looking to rebrand your business, contact ViviScape‘s marketing team for help. With over 20 years of experience in the industry, we can help you create a brand that resonates with your audience and drives results. Contact us or call (574) 207-6511 to learn more.

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