What Is Organic Click-Through Rate (CTR) and 5 Ways to Improve It

 – What Is Organic Click-Through Rate (CTR) and 5 Ways to Improve ItLet’s talk about, What Is Organic Click-Through Rate (CTR) and 5 Ways to Improve It. You might be wondering, what is the organic click-through rate of your site? The organic click-through rate (CTR) is the percentage of people who click on your website’s URL on a search engine results page (SERP) and visit your website. The better you become at increasing your CTR, the more traffic you’ll generate.

This can be better understood with an example. According to the CTR method, if 100 people see your snippet on a SERP but only 10 of them click the URL, then you have a CTR of 10%. The higher the percentage, the better. If a lot of people click through to your website it’s because you have optimized your website page and the snippet that leads to it.

Here are five simple things that you can do to increase your CTR.

1. Write Better Meta Descriptions

On the Search Engine Results Page, a meta description appears under your title. This snippet of information is a great way to encourage more clicks on organic search results. It’s worth taking the time to optimize your meta description.

Here are three highly effective hacks to write a good meta description:

  • Pretend you are answering an FAQ. Imagine your meta description as an answer to an imaginary question. In your meta description, answer a question you think the reader might have. This will motivate them to visit your website.
  • Get to the point. You only have 160 characters to use in your meta description, so be as accurate, specific, and relevant as possible. This snippet is the very first thing your potential customers see before they visit your website. Use this opportunity to explain what you do, why you’re the best, and what makes you unique. The trick is to say all this in as few words as possible.
  • Like a copywriter, persuade. You can convey a sense of urgency and specific emotion with persuasive language. Write a meta description that is compelling. To accomplish this, you must first understand the emotions and experiences of your audience regarding the topic on your website.

2. Keyword Cannibalization

Keyword cannibalization is when you have many landing pages optimized for the same keywords. Think about how to make the keywords different so your CTR is focused on one webpage rather than many at a time. Check out Ahrefs’ article about “How to Find and Fix Keyword Cannibalization Issues.”

Keyword cannibalization is bad because it may rank your less desirable webpage for the keyword over the best page that you wanted to show for this keyword. 

So, if you have two similar pages, any inbound links are effectively split between those two pages. Also, having a number of pages targeting the same keyword can dilute your content and backlinks. In other words, the inbound links get split amongst your many pages that are targeting the same keyword. That dilutes your impact and perhaps rankings a bit.

3. Write a Simple Titles

You should view the title tag as the first impression your website gives to search engines, and it should convey what your website’s content is all about. Keep it simple and short. Keep it as direct as possible.

When you write a title tag, avoid long, droll titles. You’ll want something that attracts readers. Look at some of the most popular online blogs. What wording is most effective in their titles? What words or phrases in their title attracted you as a reader? Make notes of these and emulate them in your own titles.

Including brackets in your headlines may increase clicks. Numbered lists also attract readers and numbers in a title. Including the current calendar year also helps a title become more click worthy. You may need to test out your headlines and change them if needed.

4. Make Your URLs Descriptive

Choose a URL that describes the theme of your page. This will help the search engines understand what your page is about so that they can better prioritize it. It will also help someone who sees your URL on the SERP understand if your page will give them the information they are looking for.

You should use the URL of your page as if it were a brief introduction to your topic. Search engines and readers alike are looking for information about your page.

5. Write Listicles – What Is Organic Click-Through Rate (CTR) and 5 Ways to Improve It

As you can see from the number of articles that pop up when you type in “listicle,” many people love this format!

A listicle is an article that features a series of items in a particular order hinting about what to expect (usually as 5 to 10 or more such items) such as “5 Keyword-Research Tools Every Marketer Should Use”.

As a writer, lists are a fun and easy way to share your favorite things and ideas. You can use them for both fun and educational purposes. You can use them to share your favorite movies, books, recipes, ideas, etc. They are a great way to share your knowledge and express your creativity.

The reader can easily scan articles that include lists because the sequence of subheads makes it easy to scan the entire article in a few minutes. Because of the process of breaking ideas into chunks, the information can be digested with little effort. In other words, lists facilitate the articulation of an author’s thoughts and offer readers an accessible way to reflect upon them. They make ideas easy to record and easy to grasp

We hoped you enjoyed this short read about, What Is Organic Click-Through Rate (CTR) and 5 Ways to Improve It. – Improving your organic click-through rate is all about optimizing a few things. If you need help optimizing your website and finding ways to increase your organic CTR, please contact us. Our marketing team at ViviScape can help you get started today!

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