Brand Refresh: Redesign Your Packaging and Marketing Collateral

Evaluate what’s working and what’s not with your current packaging and collateral

If you’ve been in business for a while, it’s likely that your packaging and marketing materials have become lackluster or outdated. A brand refresh can reinvigorate your business and engage your customers by creating eye-catching designs that reflect your brand identity.

Evaluate everything from marketing materials like brochures and flyers, to product packaging like boxes and labels. Check for visual appeal, readability, and usability to determine what needs improvement.

Next, work with a graphic designer or branding expert to create new designs for your packaging and marketing materials. This may involve a thorough review of your branding guidelines, as well as research into the latest trends and best practices in design. You’ll want to consult with your customer base or conduct market research to understand what they find appealing and effective.

Once your new designs are complete, test them with customers and employees to get their feedback. You’ll be surprised at how helpful customers can be when reviewing a new design. They’re almost too honest sometimes, so don’t take things personally. Employees are also a great focus group to review the new look of your brand. Sure, you’ll get a few “yes” men and head-nodders, but you’ll also have a few employees who provide brutally honest and helpful feedback. Consider gathering their opinions through an anonymous survey via email or social media. This helps you make any necessary tweaks to the designs before rolling them out more widely. With a well-executed brand refresh, you can give your business the boost it needs and stand out from the competition.

Create a mood board to capture the essence of your new brand design

To begin creating new designs for your packaging and marketing materials, you’ll need to gather some inspiration. A great way to do this is to create a mood board. This can be done digitally or physically, and should include images that reflect the style, colors, and theme of your new design. Include images that reflect the style, colors, and theme of your new design.

Once you have a clearer idea of the direction you want to take your designs, start working with a graphic designer or branding expert. This may involve a thorough review of your branding guidelines, as well as research into the latest trends and best practices in design.

Redesign your packaging and marketing collateral to reflect your new brand

When refreshing your brand, it’s important to consider every aspect of how your company is perceived by the public. This includes redesigning your packaging to reflect your new brand identity.

There are a few things to keep in mind when creating new packaging for a brand refresh:

  • Keep it simple. When redesigning packaging, it’s important to keep the design clean and simple. Too much clutter will only serve to confuse customers and make your products appear cheap.

  • Use high-quality materials. Another way to ensure that your packaging reflects well on your brand is to use high-quality materials. This sends a message that you care about the quality of your products and services.

  • Consider the customer experience. In addition to creating visually appealing packaging, think about the customer experience as a whole. This includes factors such as ease of opening, usability, and overall convenience for your customers.

If you are working with a graphic designer or branding expert, be sure to collaborate closely throughout the process. This ensures that your vision for the new packaging is properly executed. ViviScape’s marketing team helps businesses redesign packaging and helps customers adjust to the new look and messaging.

Use color, typography, and imagery that is consistent with your brand

When refreshing your brand, it’s important to consider every aspect of how your company is perceived by the public. This includes choosing color, typography, and imagery that is consistent with your brand’s updated look.

When selecting colors for your brand refresh, choose shades that reflect the mood you want to convey. Cool colors such as blue and green can give off a calming vibe, while warmer colors like red and yellow create a more energetic feel.

In terms of typography, choose fonts that are legible and easy to read. Sans-serif fonts are typically a good choice for body copy, while serif fonts are better suited for headlines and subheadings.

As for imagery, choose photos and illustrations that reflect the updated look and feel of your brand. This may include using more modern or abstract visuals, depending on the style you are going for.

When choosing color, typography, and imagery for your brand refresh, it’s important to keep your branding guidelines in mind. This ensures that you convey the right message with your design choices, and maintain consistency across all of your marketing materials.

An example of successful repackaging can be found in the book world. Some of you are familiar with JK Rowling’s famous Harry Potter book series. Turns out that many adults were just as big a fans as their children, so the publisher rolled out some book jackets and covers that were more in line with an adult audience. Both covers have been a great success! 

One of the best real life examples that comes to mind is Starbucks’ 2011 rebranding. We wrote about in section #4 of our article “5 Tips for Keeping Your Social Media Followers When You Rebrand.” Starbucks removed the wordmark from their old brand image and left only the siren image that Starbucks is so famous for. This image is so recognizable that it doesn’t need to include wording. Everyone has seen a Starbucks, so the brand is ubiquitous. It needs no introduction, merely the siren. 

It’s one thing to change the words or colors of a brand’s packaging, but how about changing the method of packaging? Recently, Starbucks announced they plan to remove all paper and plastic cups from their stores. Instead, they will offer customers the option of purchasing a Starbucks reusable mug/tumbler or borrowing one for in-store use only. 

This may seem like a daring move for Starbucks to take as far as brand packaging goes, but this company knows their customers well enough to take the risk. Many of their customers share their values and views about sustainability and taking care of the earth. With that in mind, this change in packaging shouldn’t be too much of a shake-up for customers. We shall see!

Make sure your messaging is clear and concise

When refreshing your brand, make sure your messaging is clear and concise. This means using simple, easy-to-understand language throughout all of your marketing materials.

It’s also important to keep your branding guidelines in mind when creating new designs. This ensures that your messaging is consistent across all of your marketing materials.

In addition to clarity and conciseness, your messaging should also be consistent with the updated look and feel of your brand. This means using language that reflects the new tone and voice of your company.

Be sure to test your new designs before rolling them out.

Before you launch your refreshed brand, test your new designs with a small group of people. This helps you gauge how well your new look is received, and make any necessary adjustments before rolling it out to the general public.

Test out different designs to see which ones resonate the most with customers

There are a few different ways to test your refreshed brand:

  • Focus groups: You can gather a group of people together and show them your new designs. Then, ask for their feedback and make any necessary adjustments based on their comments.

  • Online surveys: You can create a survey and send it to a group of people. This is a quick and easy way to gather feedback on your new designs.

  • A/B testing: If you have a website or app, you can test out your new designs by showing them to a group of users. Then, you can compare the results to see which design is more effective.

When testing your refreshed brand, it’s important to get feedback from a variety of people. This will help you ensure that your new look is appealing to a wide range of people, and make any necessary adjustments before launching your updated brand.?

Implement the new designs and track their performance over time

Once you’ve finalized your refreshed brand, it’s time to implement the new designs across all of your marketing materials. This may include updating your website, social media profiles, business cards, and more.

As you roll out the new designs, be sure to track their performance over time. This will help you see how well they are received by customers, and make any necessary changes to improve their impact.

Some key metrics to track include website traffic, social media engagement, email open and click-through rates, and conversion rate. These can provide you with valuable insights into how well your refreshed brand is resonating with customers.

Overall, try to be patient as you roll out your refreshed brand. It takes some time for customers to get used to the new look and feel, so be sure to monitor performance over a period of several months or years. This will give you a more accurate picture of how well your updated brand is performing overall.?

When refreshing your brand, carefully implement the new designs across all of your marketing materials. This includes updating your website, social media profiles, business cards, and more. As you roll out the new designs, track their performance over time. This allows you to see how well they are received by customers, and make any necessary changes to improve their impact.

If you need help updating your marketing collateral and redesigning your packaging, ViviScape‘s marketing and design team can assist you. We specialize in helping companies refresh their brands, and can create custom designs that reflect your updated look and feel. Contact us today or call (574) 207-6511 to learn more about our services?

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