Top 5 Team Members Needed to Build a Awesome Web or Mobile Experience

Let’s talk about, Top 5 Team Members Needed to Build a Awesome Web or Mobile Experience. – Building a winning team can be challenging.  That’s why it is important to know who needs to be involved within your next software, web, or mobile project.  There are 5 critical team roles that are necessary to guarantee a successful project.



Top 5 Team Members Needed to Build a Awesome Web or Mobile Experience: Masterminds



The masterminds or also known as the architect’s job can be one or more people on your team that help define the plan or vision of the project.  Many people think a website is just born without any planning.  This recipe could cause the project to become very large, expensive, and a drawn-out project that ends up never coming to fruition.



The mastermind is typically not a designer or developer.  So they should not be trying to do their jobs.  Masterminds are consumed into the idea of the project so much they can get ahead of themselves and start dictating how things work instead of working on the definition of the end product of the web or mobile solution.



The three essential elements of every successful project is the following:



  • Audience
  • Value
  • Purpose






Writer’s are a crucial component of your web or mobile project.  You have to ensure the writer or writers you have can help communicate the value and purpose to your audience.  There are many types of writers and you have to ensure that your writers are specifically skilled to talk directly to audiences in a marketing voice.  When referring to marketing, I mean having the ability to speak value and purpose for your audience.  Writers need to know the key topics of interest for every segment of information needed to be fabricated for your project.  It is important to keep your writers in the loop as plans changes so that they are in sync with the message that needs to be conveyed to your audience.  Sometimes there is a disconnect between the masterminds and writers.  Poor communications between the two parties cause the voice to your audience to become confusing.



UI/UX Designer



Believe it or not.  A lot of designers are not very good with content development.  They are good at defining the look and feel of the message to a prospective audience.  Designers work closely with your writers or content developers to help visualize the story they are trying to convey within their manuscripts.



Designers also need to know who the audience is.  Their responsibility is to seek out the audience and know how they feel about the value your project is trying to convey, and provide guidance towards the visual experience is necessary for your audience to consume the value and purpose of your project.






Let’s not forget about the engineer.  The engineer is also referred to as a developer.  The developer or developers are split into two categories.  Front end developer and Backend developer.  Some developers can perform dual roles and these people are referred to as a full-stack developer.  Understanding this is key component of your team.  If you only have one developer and they can not perform the front and back end duties you will run into an execution issue within your project.  Most of the time your UI/UX designing can their design and convert into a format that users can consume. Where your backend developer is responsible for integrating communications, relaying data, and helping develop the business logic for your application to talk your team and the prospective audience.






Most businesses make the mistake of highering just a developer or designer to build their web or mobile solutions.  This typically ends up with strengths and weaknesses in different parts of their project.  That is why it is beneficial to work with a software company that already has all of the resources you need to get your project across the finish line.



If you have an idea you would like to convert into a finished, polished solution contact ViviScape and tell us a little about your web or mobile app idea so that we can start putting together a winning plan for success.


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