The Different Flavors of Mobile Apps

The Different Flavors of Mobile Apps: App Classification

Lets talk about The Different Flavors of Mobile Apps. – Technology has become a big part of our lives. This has seen it being integrated into many aspects, from social media sites to mobile applications also known as mobile apps. Since there is now enhanced connectivity, you may have been using some websites and apps without knowing that there is a difference between them. 

There are three main types of apps: web, native and hybrid. As you may be aware, there are mobile phones which run on different operating systems with the leading ones being Android, iOS ( for iPhone users), and Windows 10. These are the app that can be developed on such platforms: 

  • Native Apps:  These are applications that are built to operate only on a specific mobile platform, such as the Android OS. These apps ensure that they are built to the highest standards and can be able to perform way better than what’s in the market. For that reason, they are not able to run on any other OS apart from the one it was designed to run on. In order to have the app run on another platform, such as iOS, it has to be redesigned again for that specific platform. Each platform has a language that it is created to run on. For instance, Windows apps are created using .NET, Swift, and Objective – C for iOS while Android uses Java.


  • Mobile Web Apps:  These web apps that are able to show web pages on the browsers that run on the mobile phones. Considering the fact that browsers are usually able to be run across different mobile phones OS, the mobile web apps can be accessed across the different mobile OS. It is also a notable fact that they can be accessed on the desktop browser as long as internet connectivity is good. The mobile web apps are usually created using a mix of different technologies. These include CSS, Javascript, JQuery as well as HTML.


  • Hybrid Apps:  Just as their name suggests, these are apps that have a combination of the capabilities of native and mobile web apps. One of the features of the hybrid apps is the ability to be compatible across browsers. They are also able to access the phone’s hardware which is usually the preserve of native apps. Hybrid apps can be created using various technologies such as HTML, Javascript, JQuery, CSS as well as JavaScript frameworks. 

The Different Flavors of Mobile Apps: Mobile Responsive

This is an indication of whether a website is able to be accessed from a mobile phone with the same clarity as on a desktop. Having a mobile responsive site means that when a page is rendered to a mobile phone it is able to fit the screen that the device has. Nowadays, most websites are mobile friendly as there are more people accessing the internet using their phones than with their PCs. 

How Mobile Apps relate to Mobile Responsive Websites

Both platforms contain information that’s useful to the user. What’s even more interesting is that both platforms allow the user to access information using their smartphones. There is enhanced user experience because the mobile user doesn’t need a desktop or laptop to visit a certain website. When developing mobile applications, whether mobile, native or hybrid, user experience is a big priority. The developer has to make sure that the user remains the core of the design. Making sure that anyone who interacts with the app does not struggle to use it.

Create Your App Today!

When you make your mobile brand an integral part of your digital marketing strategy, you begin to build awareness and trust with your target audience. Consumers continually exposed to branded messages develop greater awareness, and a good mobile customer experience shows your company is a reliable resource for meeting their needs. Focus on honing your marketing to the right people and locations, providing valuable content and developing memorable in-app experiences to integrate your brand into the digital landscape. And those were The Different Flavors of Mobile Apps.

Get Started on your mobile experience.

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