Mobile Brand Awareness is Important to Your Business

Why (and How) Your Company Needs to Build Mobile Brand Awareness

Lets talk about why Mobile Brand Awareness is Important to your Business. How aware is your target audience of your brand? Wikipedia defines brand awareness as “the extent to which customers are able to recall or recognize a brand,” so if a potential customer can’t immediately say what your company offers upon seeing your logo or hearing your slogan, you have some work to do. 

Think of the big brands people interact with every day. Golden arches standing over the highway need no explanation, and it only takes one glimpse of a certain green-and-white sea siren to trigger coffee cravings. What do you have to do to achieve this kind of status for your brand? A smart digital marketing strategy focused on mobile applications and devices is a key part of the equation.

The Amazing Impact of Mobile Marketing 

In 2018, the average time spent on devices each day increased to 215 minutes, or just over 3.5 hours, and ninety percent of this time is devoted to groups of around 30 apps per user. Although a handful of popular apps are likely accessed by the majority of people, the mobile customer experience is built on personalization. Users choose to interact with a mobile brand based on how well it aligns with their needs, desires and tastes, and mobile environments are one of the few remaining platforms through which your digital marketing messages may be able to capture the full attention of your audience.

Companies investing in digital marketing can speed up the time consumers spend in the purchasing funnel by 20 percent and snag some of the 40 percent of online transactions now taking place via mobile devices. With 57 percent of online traffic in the U.S. coming from mobile users, putting your brand into the mobile space has the potential to transform your marketing strategy.

Taking Your Digital Marketing Strategy to a Mobile Audience

Why is mobility such an important tactic for building brand awareness? People now have two times more interactions with brands on mobile than through any other channels. If your company is missing from the mobile landscape, your brand can’t get in front of the millions of eyes staring at iOS and Android device screens every day.

However, you competitors’ brands are probably gaining visibility. Sixty-eight percent of companies have made mobile marketing part of their strategies, and 61.9 percent of paid search clicks on Google in 2017 were mobile. Brands are investing in mobile advertising not only to increase awareness but also to connect with customers whose attention has shifted away from traditional media sources.

Adding mobility to your strategy requires a different approach than traditional online marketing. Mobile is a fast-paced environment with a heavy focus on content relevant to users’ locations. To break into the mobile market, you need to provide instant access to content with a streamlined website designed for usability. This means fast load times, simple navigation and minimal form fields. Onsite content and related advertising should include location-based keywords to drive local traffic, and even your brand imaging needs to be pared down to be suitable for smaller screens.

Brands targeting mobile audiences incorporate opt-in communications like mobile-friendly branded emails, SMS order and appointment confirmations, real-time status alerts when changes occur and special deals for mobile users into their strategies to increase awareness and maintain consistent engagement.

Your Brand and Mobile Applications

To capture the widest audience, however, your brand needs to be visible inside iOS and Android apps. Users devote 89 percent of their mobile media time to apps, and about one-third of the global population plays mobile games. Advertising in apps offers significant benefits over web advertising:

• Device IDs remain associated with users for much longer than cookies, up to 21 months after opt-in • Apps collect rich user data, including location information • Ad blocking technology hasn’t become widespread in apps • Available ad formats are numerous, including full-screen videos, native static ads and banner ads

These factors simplify the process of targeting your advertisements and getting your brand in front of the right people. Mobile user demographics are wide and varied, and two-thirds of smartphone users are more likely to make purchases when a mobile experience is tailored to their preferences. 

Is Having Your Own App Worth It?

In early 2017, 2.8 million apps were available in the Google Play Store, and users could browse 2.2 million in the Apple App Store. With so many apps already providing instant access to branded content, should a mobile app be part of your brand-building strategy?

Statistics suggest the development and launch processes are worth the time. Businesses report experiencing increases of 15 percent in sales after launching mobile apps. By linking your online and offline marketing strategies, you bridge the gap between digital awareness and your brand’s mobile presence. Having an app gives you the opportunity to leverage unique marketing tactics:

• In-store search • Buy online, pick up in store offers • Mobile booking or ordering • Real-time status updates for orders or appointments

Consider which of these conveniences you could offer your audience through a branded app and how to incorporate your brand image into the experience. Getting seen in the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store requires an eye-catching branded icon and relevant keywords to put your app in front of your target audience, and you also need an outside strategy like a landing page or a pre-launch social media campaign to spark interest. A greater number of downloads means more people looking at your brand on a daily basis, giving you a strong foundation for brand awareness and loyalty.

When you make your mobile brand an integral part of your digital marketing strategy, you begin to build awareness and trust with your target audience. Consumers continually exposed to branded messages develop greater awareness, and a good mobile customer experience shows your company is a reliable resource for meeting their needs. Focus on honing your marketing to the right people and locations, providing valuable content and developing memorable in-app experiences to integrate your brand into the digital landscape. This is why Mobile Brand Awareness is Important to your Business.


If you are looking for a way to customers with a mobile experience, we are here to help.

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