Is Your Business’s Website GDPR Website Compliant, ADA Website Compliant, or None of the Above?

What Does It Mean To Make My Website Compliant?

As a business owner one might already have an idea of how important it is to have a well-established website that accurately reflects their business and the essence of their brand. Nowadays, what it means to have and own a website goes a little beyond its old meaning. For instance, in 2023, It’s super important for businesses owners to make sure that they not only have a website, but that they have a website that is inclusive, compliant, and accessible to everyone equally. But what exactly does it mean to be inclusive? According to, Cambridge Dictionary, “An inclusive group or organization tries to include many different types of people and treat them all fairly and equally.” Having an inclusive website and making the business website compliant just means that the website is equally accessible to all kinds of people, especially for individuals who have a disability or impairment. In this case, inclusivity and compliance can and should go hand in hand. How? Let me explain. A website wouldn’t be considered inclusive, if it didn’t align with the  GDPR, CPRA, ACA and ADA standards. And, the website wouldn’t be compliant without adhering to the requirements of the GDPR, CPRA, ACA and ADA.
Overall, its important for all businesses to make their website compliant because those who lack compliance, can and will face significant implications for their business. A business can face implications like, getting sued, data breaches, administrative fines and audits, and more. To be non-compliant means that, “you are unlawfully processing personal data of the persons concerned” (GDPR Handbook.) Overall, it is a much better look a business to make their website compliant in order to collect data legally and ethically.

What are the GDPR, CPRA, ACA, and ADA?

What is GDPR?

I know, I know, I’ve been stalling on defining these key words for you, I promise I wont make you wait any longer! Let’s get to business.
The GDPR stands for General Data Protection Regulations and this law, “Regulates how businesses and organizations process user data” (Google Safety Center). Since 2018, the GDPR law has been and will continue to protect all European citizens and their data privacy. The primary goal of the GDPR is to ensure the protection of individuals’ privacy rights and give them greater control over their personal data. It’s important to note that GDPR compliance isn’t just relevant for businesses operating within the European Union. The GDPR has extraterritorial reach, meaning it applies to any organization that processes the personal data of EU citizens, regardless of their geographical location. This means that even if your business is based outside the EU, if you collect and process the personal data of individuals residing in the EU, you are subject to the GDPR’s requirements. It establishes strict requirements for businesses to follow when collecting, using, storing, and sharing personal data. Failure to comply with the GDPR can result in significant penalties, including substantial fines. I don’t know about you but personally, I wouldn’t put myself or my business at risk of dealing with the European UNION! I like even less dealing with the idea of fines! Its better to do things the right way the first time than to try to take the easy way out, because truthfully there is no easy way out in this instance. Taking a proactive approach to GDPR compliance is crucial. By implementing the necessary safeguards and adhering to the principles outlined in the regulation, businesses can avoid legal and financial risks associated with non-compliance. It’s always better to prioritize data privacy and protection from the outset rather than facing the consequences later.

What is CPRA?

Onto the next one! – The CPRA stands for the California Privacy Rights Act and, “Under the CPRA amendment, Californians have the right to limit what sensitive data you collect, how it’s used, and how it’s shared.” (CCPA, Rob Bonta) This amendment is giving Californians more freedom to pick and choose how companies collect and use their personal data. One of the key aspects of the CPRA is its focus on sensitive personal information. It grants Californians the right to exercise more control over how businesses collect, use, and share their sensitive data. Sensitive personal information includes categories such as social security numbers, financial account information, precise geolocation data, racial or ethnic origin, religious beliefs, genetic data, and more. Under the CPRA, individuals have the ability to limit the collection and use of this sensitive data. There also more additional user rights and provisions, but mainly, to ensure compliance with the CPRA, businesses need to review their data collection and processing practices, update their privacy policies, and implement mechanisms to facilitate individuals’ rights, such as opt-out mechanisms for targeted advertising. It’s imperative, once again, to make sure your website is compliant with our California friend!

What is ACA?

But, what about our out-of-country neighbors? Surely, they don’t have any protection policies. Oh Canada, they very much do. In fact, the Accessible Canada Act (ACA) received royal assent in June of 2019 and aims to improve accessibility and remove barriers for persons with disabilities in various areas of Canadian society. The Accessible Canada Act covers organizations under federal jurisdiction, such as banks, airlines, telecommunications companies, interprovincial transportation services, and the federal government itself. These organizations are required to comply with accessibility standards and regulations set out in the Act. Organizations covered by the ACA are required to create and implement accessibility plans to identify, address, and prevent barriers to accessibility. They must also provide progress reports on the implementation of these plans. The Accessible Canada Act represents a significant step towards promoting inclusivity and accessibility in Canada. It aims to create a more accessible and barrier-free society by setting standards and promoting compliance across federally regulated sectors. It’s important to note that the implementation and specific requirements of the Act are being developed over time, and ongoing updates and developments may occur. Again, we want to adhere to all parties, not just our country’s few. This will be an ever-changing, ongoing new virtual landscape, and all websites will be subject to it. So, it’s important to make a commitment to compliance and stay as up-to-date as you can!

What is ADA?

Now, let me tell you about the ADA, especially since we should all be familiar with it. The ADA stands for the Americans with Disabilities Act. This act protects the rights of all Americans who have a disability like, visual impairments, hearing impairments, ADHD, and others. Think about it. How would you feel if you logged onto a site only to not be able to use it. This is exactly what happened to a blind individual who was trying to make an online Domino’s order. The Domino’s website was so ADA inaccessible that the person who wanted to order pizza could not. You can read more about that lawsuit, Robles v. Domino’s. Here at ViviScape, we believe it’s every human’s right to pizza AND to an accessible website. For companies, be inclusive and don’t miss out on conversions due to your website’s poor inaccessibility. Its also important to keep in mind how a website can be accessible to those individuals, if its not accessible, its not compliant with the ADA. Thankfully, you are not alone in this. ViviScape is dedicated to creating tools that can help business owners make sure that their website is accessible.
Now that we know what the GDPR, CPRA, ACA and ADA are, we can talk about the steps one can take to make their website compliant if it isn’t already.

What steps can I take to make my website compliant?

So, you want to make your website compliant? Some might think that the most logical thing to do would be to hop onto Google and type in a simple Google search that reads, “How can I make my website compliant to the GDPR, CPRA, and ADA?” Upon submitting the first initial Google search, one can clearly see that the top search results are coming from sponsored ads for companies that are just trying to push their products. It can be hard to differentiate which product or service is best for one’s personal business, so it’s best to seek some expert help. So, google? Yeah, that’s gonna be a no-go option.
There is always the option to hire a lawyer to assist in creating and establishing specific legal documents and data privacy documentation to make a website compliant, but lawyers can be a bit expensive and most small business owners might not be able to afford the cost of a lawyer. Also, how do you know which lawyer is best? Compliance laws are ever-changing with the new scope of the virtual universe we live in. Do they know the laws that were just established in 2018-2020? Are they going to commit to staying up-to-date for you? And, what would all of that cost? Yikes, let’s actually not find out.
Overall, the best option for business owners would be to work with a reputable and trusted company that specializes in assisting businesses in gaining compliance like ViviScape. By working with a reputable and reliable company, everything is taken care off and one’s website will be GDPR, CPRA, ACA, and ADA compliant. ViviScape offers all-encompassing compliant services and has a team full of knowledgeable, experienced lawyers and customer service representatives who can help guide business owners. So, don’t sweat it! We have you completely compliant covered, or CCC, since this article loves a good acronym!
Don’t know if you are compliant or not?
It never hurts to make extra sure you are covered, and let our ViviScape expert team help you if you aren’t. We are here to help you grow, thrive, and comply!

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