Why Your Retail Store Needs Virtual Tours

As a business owner, you’re always looking for new and innovative ways to market your products and services. You may have heard about virtual reality (VR) and how retail stores use it to sell their products. But what is VR, and how can it benefit your retail store?

What is Virtual Reality?

Virtual reality is an immersive experience that tricks your mind into thinking you are actually experiencing whatever you are viewing. A VR scene can be as small as a room or as big as an entire city, and with computer-generated graphics for extra realism, it’s easy to see why so many companies are turning to virtual reality tours.

Virtual tours allow potential customers to see what it would be like to shop at your retail store without having to leave their homes. This is a great way to entice customers who may be on the fence about whether or not to visit your store.

Retail stores use virtual reality tours to showcase their products in a whole new way. Not only do virtual reality tours allow potential customers to explore your store, but they also give customers a look at the products you offer. Some virtual tour software even comes with lifelike 3D models of your inventory for users to interact with and examine up close.

How virtual reality and augmented reality are changing retail marketing

Retail marketing was mainly limited to traditional print, radio, and television advertisements in the past. Now, with the rise of new technology such as virtual reality and augmented reality, marketers have many new possibilities. 

VR tours allow customers to immerse themselves in the shopping experience by viewing products from every angle, allowing them to interact with items and even change what they’re wearing instantly. 

On the other hand, augmented reality superimposes digital information onto a live view of the real world. This could be as simple as adding an arrow to direct shoppers to the location of a product they’re looking for in-store, or it could be something more complex like providing additional information about a product’s specifications.

The possibilities for augmented reality are nearly limitless and can quickly become an important part of a retail company’s marketing plan. 

Online retail customers are becoming more demanding, too. Marketers need to prepare for this new technology to remain competitive and grow their businesses.

VR and AR Drives Engagement with Customers

There are several reasons why VR and AR can effectively engage customers. One such reason is that it allows customers to explore products in a more personal way. As shoppers, we’re often drawn to products that we can see from all angles; this is especially true for clothing and accessories. With virtual reality, customers no longer have to settle for images or videos of a product from a certain angle, or worse, an image that has been edited to make the product look better.

With virtual reality, customers can see how a product looks and even try on different styles and colors instantly. This is a significant advantage over physical stores, where customers are often limited to the products that are on display.

Virtual reality can also provide information about products that would be difficult to show in a traditional advertisement. For example, a company could use virtual reality to show a customer how a product is assembled or works. This can be especially helpful for products that are expensive or have complicated features.

There are many different ways for companies to market their products using virtual reality. One of the most important things businesses need to explore is their customer base and determine which type of VR experience best suits their needs. By using virtual reality or augmented reality, companies can effectively allow customers to immerse themselves in the shopping experience, giving them a chance to see products in ways that were not previously possible.

Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Personalizes the Shopping Experience

Using virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) is an effective way for your retail store to provide your customers with an immersive and personalized shopping experience. 

Both VR and AR create an interactive digital environment customized to your brand. With VR, customers can immerse themselves in a completely virtual world where they can explore every nook and cranny of your store. This is perfect for stores that want to create an interactive catalog or for stores that want to provide an immersive shopping experience. 

AR is similar to VR, but it uses the real world as its canvas. This means that you can overlay digital content on top of objects in the real world. For example, you could overlay a product’s information sheet on top of the product itself. This is perfect for stores that want to provide additional information about their products without taking up too much space. 

How Retailers are Using VR and AR

There are already a number of retailers that are using VR and AR to enhance the shopping experience. IKEA, for example, has developed an augmented reality app called IKEA Place. With this app, you can place IKEA furniture in your home to see how it would look. You can even move the furniture around to see if it would fit in the space you have available. 

Other retailers are using VR to create interactive catalogs. The Gap, for example, has created a VR catalog (Dressing Room app) that allows you to explore the store and its products in 360 degrees. You can even zoom in on products to get a closer look. Nike uses VR and AR in their Nike Fit tool app to help customers find the right fit in sneakers. Lowe’s uses AR to show customers how an appliance may fit in a room.

A number of online eyewear stores like Warby Parker use VR and AR to assist customers in finding the best frames for their face size and shape. 

Why VR and AR are the Future of Retail

VR and AR have many advantages that make them the future of retail marketing. 

First, VR and AR are perfect for creating a personalized shopping experience. With VR, you can create a digital copy of your store that allows customers to explore every inch of it. With AR, you can overlay additional information on top of products. This allows customers to learn more about the products they are interested in without taking up too much space. 

Second, VR and AR are perfect for enhancing the shopping experience. With VR, customers can immerse themselves in a virtual world tailored to their brand. With AR, customers can try on clothes without going into a fitting room, which allows customers to get a better idea of what the clothes will look like before they purchase. 

Third, VR and AR are perfect for online retailers. Online retailers often have limited space to show their products, and VR and AR allow them to display their products in a more interactive and immersive way. 

Opportunity Awaits!

The opportunities for retail stores to use virtual reality and virtual tours are endless and only set to grow as mobile technology becomes more advanced and widespread. Retailers who want to stand out should consider investing in virtual tours and augmented reality apps to boost their retail business.

If you’re interested in learning more about how VR and AR can benefit your retail business, please contact ViviScape’s team of VR and AR experts. We would be happy to discuss the possibilities and help you get started.

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