Why Manufacturers Need Virtual Tours

Virtual tours are a great way to promote your products. A carefully crafted virtual tour provides the opportunity to build a relationship – something that flat imagery can’t do as well.

As an industrial manufacturer, you need to be at the forefront of technology so as to stay ahead of the competition. Virtual tours can benefit you in three ways:

  1. Customers spend more time on your website: This is important because companies that use new technologies will often win out over competitors who aren’t as well equipped. Also, visitors to your site will spend more time checking out a virtual tour than reading through the rest of your web content. That’s because virtual reality is engaging and immersive.
  2. Lead to more appointments: This is the most direct impact of virtual tours – if customers like what they see, they will want to meet with you in person.
  3. Help you learn more about your customers: A VR tour gives your customers a better understanding of your company’s operations and how your products can help them. Video tours are even better than static ones because they provide the opportunity to explain the benefits of your products, something that flat imagery can’t do as effectively. Go to ViviScape.com for more information about virtual tours. 

How Virtual Tours Benefit Industrial Manufacturers

Industrial manufacturers benefit from virtual tours because they provide a better experience, leading to more time on the website and better market intelligence. A virtual tour gives customers the opportunity to really see what they are buying from you, which leads to better sales. 

What does a virtual tour do that a photograph does not?

A picture paints a thousand words. What if we had more than a thousand words to paint? We can use our imagination, but what happens when we want to describe something that’s hard to put into words? 

No matter how many words you can come up with, they will never be as descriptive as the right imagery. Virtual walk-arounds give you more insight into your products than mere photos or videos ever will. The 360-degree view allows your customers to get a better look at your product, no matter what angle they are coming from. This way, you can leave nothing out. The customer will trust your product more since they have seen first-hand how the product is built in your factory.

A virtual tour is simply photos taken of certain angles of an object or area that are put together in one place for easy viewing by the customer. No matter where they are in the world, your customers can look at them from all different angles and get a better idea of how your products are made and the quality that is put into them.

A VR tour increases your product’s exposure on the internet and leads to more traffic.

How good is the 360° degree image of my products?

Not all images are created equal. Not every manufacturer has the skills to take a perfect picture of their product, but not to worry. That’s where we come in. Our VR team at ViviScape can help you create professional grade virtual walk-throughs of your factory. 

Why do people watch virtual tours over flat imagery?

People are naturally drawn to virtual reality technology. It’s new and immersive. When it comes to imagery, people want the most unique and amazing experience possible. This is where virtual tours come in!

Traditional images tend to be plain and flat. While this style of imagery does not lack quality or professionalism, it lacks what virtual tours bring; emotion. When you are looking at traditional imagery, you cannot get a complete image of the object or area. A person can look at thousands of photos and still not know exactly what it is like to see the product made in person.

VR tours of manufacturing facilities allow customers to connect on a deeper level with your products. It builds trust when your customer sees the craftsmanship and materials used to manufacture the product.

Virtual reality is an important tool in today’s marketing world. Customers demand to know exactly what it is they are buying. 

How can 360° VR tours help my company?

For a long time now, manufacturers have been using flat images to promote their products. While these images do what they are supposed to do and get the point across, they leave a lot of things out. People want to know more before committing money into something that they have never laid hands on before. 

Virtual tours are images that take advantage of the fact that people use screens to view things these days. Flat images tend to be very rigid and limited in showing different angles of an object or area, which can cause problems when selling. When a customer knows what a product looks like from every angle, they will make a more informed and successful decision.

VR walk-throughs also lead to an increase in appointments, which is essential for manufactures who rely on selling their products in-person. A virtual tour allows people to become comfortable with the product before they even visit your store or showroom. That way when people arrive, you can focus on what truly matters: selling.

Virtual tours boost traffic to your website and showroom. In today’s world, people have the opportunity to share their experiences with others easily. By creating a virtual tour of your products or areas, you are giving viewers an easier way to share their experience with friends and family online. This is a much larger scale of advertisement compared to that of traditional imagery.

To sum it all up, virtual tours are important for manufacturers because they allow potential customers to get a complete picture of what your product looks like before they make the decision on whether or not they want to buy it. Virtual tours also lead to increased appointments and traffic due to this improved knowledge.

Tell us your story! Our marketing and VR team at ViviScape can help you create a professional quality virtual walk-through of your facilities and give customers an immersive view into your products and how they are made.

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