The Buyer’s Journey: How it affects your video content strategy

In today’s business world, video is more important than ever. Not only is it a great way to reach and engage customers, but it also helps you close more sales and get more leads. 

In fact, research shows that businesses who use video grow their revenue 49% faster than those who don’t. Just take a look at these stats from HubSpot: “More than 60% of marketers say their customer acquisition cost has gone up. At the same time, 83% of video marketers say that video helps them generate leads.”

With so many different types of videos out there, it can be tough to know where to start. That’s why understanding the buyer’s journey is essential to video marketing success.

The buyer’s journey is the process that customers go through when they’re considering a purchase. It includes three main stages: Awareness, Consideration, and Decision, plus one that I like to add: Post-Sale Upsell/Referrals. Each stage presents different challenges and opportunities for video marketers.

Let’s take a closer look at each stage of the buyer’s journey and how you can use video to drive results.

What is the buyer’s journey?

First of all, let’s look at a popular definition for the buyer’s journey.

According to HubSpot, the buyer’s journey is “The process buyers go through to become aware of, consider and evaluate, and decide to purchase a new product or service.” The buyer’s journey can be applied to most product or service sales.

Here are descriptions of each stage in the buyer’s journey:

Awareness: In this stage, the buyer is aware of a problem or need that they have. They begin their search for a solution to their problem.

Consideration: In this stage, the buyer considers their options and looks for more information about potential solutions. They compare different products or services to find the best fit for their needs.

Decision: In this stage, the buyer has decided on a solution and is ready to make a purchase. They search for information about how to make the purchase and what steps to take.

Post-sale retention, upsell, and referrals: The buyer has made a purchase and is using the product or service. They may be looking for ways to get more out of the product or service, or they may be ready to buy again.

How is video used at each stage of the buyer’s journey?

Video marketing can be a great way to reach buyers at all stages of the buyer’s journey. 

Here are some tips on how to use video marketing at each stage of the buyer’s journey:


In this stage, buyers are just starting to become aware of a problem or need. They’re educating themselves at this point, so they’ll be looking at blog articles, webinars, influencers, trade shows, ads, and basically anything that gives them an inkling about the product, your brand, and how your product solves their problem. Video can help raise awareness by showing buyers the problem or need in a new way. Try using video to show customers how your product or service can solve their problem.


In this stage, buyers are considering their options and looking for more information. So, at this stage, the buyer has the basics, but they’re looking for more detailed information to make them feel secure in their decision to purchase. They’re looking at different vendors and comparing the solutions. Video can be a great way to provide educational information to buyers in an engaging and easily digestible format. Use video to answer common questions about your product or service, or to show how your product or service compares to other options.


In this stage, buyers have decided on a solution and are ready to make a purchase. Video can be a great way to show buyers how to make a purchase, or to provide customer testimonials that show the value of your product or service.

At this stage, you’ll see video customer testimonials, comparison videos, and demonstration videos.

Post-Sale Retention, Upsell, and Referrals

In this stage, buyers have made a purchase and are using the product or service. Video can be a great way to keep buyers engaged with your product, or to show them how to get the most out of it. With video, you can provide customer support, or show customers new ways to use your product.

Another component of the post-sale stage is the new emphasis on this stage as it’s used in social media and review sites. Just look at the video reviews for products on Amazon. You’ll find “unboxing” videos as well as the customer’s opinion of the product. These are powerful testimonials for the product and leads to more sales and visibility for the product.

The Advantage of Video Marketing

The great thing about video is that it’s flexible. You can use it at every stage of the buyer’s journey, and it can be used across multiple channels. Just think of all the ways you can use one video across different marketing channels: email, website, blog article, social media posts, etc. You can use the same video for Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter. Of course, it’s a good idea to use different wording to suit each social media platform’s requirements, but you get the picture. It’s versatile and flexible.

And best of all, video catches the customer’s attention more than any other marketing medium. It’s engaging, informative, and entertaining. What better way to reach more customers?

As you can see, video marketing is a great way to reach buyers at all stages of the buyer’s journey. By using video, you raise awareness, provide educational information, show how your product or service compares to other options, and show customers how to make the purchase.

As you can see, video marketing can be a great way to reach buyers at all stages of the buyer’s journey. By creating engaging and informative videos, you help buyers learn more about your product or service, which leads to more sales. Contact our video marketing team at ViviScape today to learn more about how we can help you create videos that will engage and convert your buyers.

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