Is your business suffering from social media identity disorder?

Many businesses suffer from social media identity disorder- they don’t really know who they are or what their purpose is on social media. As a result, their social media presence is all over the place, and they’re not really achieving anything of value. If this sounds like your business, then it’s time to implement a social media strategy.

A social media strategy helps you define your goals and objectives for social media and gives you a road map for how to achieve those goals. It’s important to remember that your social media strategy should be aligned with your overall business goals- if it isn’t, then you’re not going to see the results you want.

Not sure where to start? Here are some tips:

  1. Define your goals

What do you want to achieve with social media? Do you want to increase brand awareness, drive traffic to your website, or generate leads? Once you know what you want to achieve, you can start to create content and campaigns that will help you reach those goals.

  1. Know your audience

Who are you trying to reach with your social media content? What are their needs and wants? What kind of content will they engage with? Once you know who your target audience is, you can start to create content that appeals to them.

  1. Create a content calendar

One of the best ways to stay organized and on track with your social media goals is to create a content calendar. This will help you plan and schedule your content in advance, so you’re always ahead of the game.

  1. Measure your results

It’s important to regularly measure the results of your social media activity, so you can see what’s working and what isn’t. There are a number of different metrics you can track, depending on your goals, but some examples include website traffic, engagement rates, and leads generated.

It’s no secret that social media is a powerful tool for businesses. But all too often, businesses don’t really know how to use it effectively, and as a result, they see very little return on their investment. If you’re one of those businesses, then it’s time to reevaluate your social media strategy.

Below is a rundown of the most popular social media platforms for businesses:


LinkedIn is a professional space where you can celebrate your career or portfolio accomplishments and where you can also share industry news and insights. It’s a great place to connect with other professionals in your field and can be a valuable resource for business networking.

When it comes to your LinkedIn profile, make sure that it is up-to-date and accurately reflects your professional brand. Your profile should be keyword-rich so potential customers and clients can easily find you. And don’t forget to add a professional headshot- people are more likely to engage with you if they can see your face.


Twitter is all about real-time engagement. It’s an excellent platform for sharing news, insights, and thoughts on current events. Twitter is for quick updates and a call to action, sharing ideas that the world finds interesting within a niche community.

When it comes to your Twitter profile, ensure that you have a clear and concise bio that accurately reflects your brand. Your profile photo should be recognizable, and your tweets should be engaging and shareable. Remember to use hashtags to reach a wider audience and to tag other users in your tweets when appropriate.


Instagram is about helping others look through your lens to see the world through your eyes. It’s a great platform for sharing photos and videos and giving people a behind-the-scenes look at your business.

When it comes to your Instagram profile, make sure that your photos are high quality and reflect your brand in a positive light. Your bio should be keyword-rich so potential customers and clients can easily find you. And don’t forget to use hashtags- they’re a great way to reach a wider audience.


Facebook is the largest social media platform in the world, and it’s a great place to connect with potential customers and clients. It’s also great for sharing news and thoughts on current events within your industry.

When it comes to your Facebook profile, make sure that you have a clear and concise bio that accurately reflects your brand. Your profile photo should be recognizable, and your posts should be interesting and shareable. Remember to use hashtags to reach a wider audience and to tag other users in your posts when appropriate.


Pinterest is where you place a bulletin board of things that provide collective value and idea influence. It is a highly effective platform for sharing photos and videos, especially behind-the-scenes looks at businesses, tips, tricks, and tutorials.

When it comes to your Pinterest profile, ensure that you have a clear description of your brand, so people know what to expect when they visit your boards. Choose high-quality pins that accurately represent your brand, and be sure to use keywords in your descriptions so that potential customers and clients can easily find you. 


TikTok helps discover content through a short clip binge system. They are leveraging the power of targeting spectators who are looking to be mesmerized by beliefs and passions. The app is designed for quick content.

When it comes to your TikTok profile, make sure that you have a clear description of your brand, so people know what to expect when they visit your boards. Choose high-quality pins that accurately represent your brand, and be sure to use keywords in your description.


YouTube allows direct connection organized television where users can build their subscriber network and discuss topics they are passionate about. The site is a powerful tool that can share valuable information, insights, and thoughts on current events while providing a behind-the-scenes look at businesses.

When it comes to your YouTube profile, make sure that you have a clear description of your brand, so people know what to expect when they visit your channel. Choose high-quality videos that accurately represent your brand, and be sure to use keywords.

These are just a few social media platforms you can use to build your brand and connect with potential customers and clients. The most important thing is to have a strategy to achieve your goals. If you need help getting started, contact ViviScape’s marketing team, and we’ll be happy to help you create a social media strategy that works for your business.

Creating a solid social media presence can help you build your brand, connect with potential customers and clients, and share news, insights, and thoughts on current events. Contact us or call (574) 207-6511 to get started.

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