How Virtual Tours Make Your Business Stand Out From the Rest

Add Visual Flair and the “Wow” Factor to Your Business

With so many companies competing for your attention and dollars, you want to make yours stand out from the crowd. But how? Well, here are some ways with virtual tours:

  1. Focus on your brand’s story and hone in on the highlights of that story. Make it personal and easy for customers to relate.
  2. Make sure your virtual tour appeals to customer’s wants and needs by asking yourself “What do my customers want to know?”
  3. Include high quality interactive visuals that help tell a compelling story about what makes you different.
  4. Don’t be afraid to use descriptions and call-outs that are unique in an attempt to be memorable.
  5. Ensure your virtual tour includes a clear call-to-action.

Virtual tours increase conversion rates because they allow potential buyers to see your brand’s story just by clicking the screen, which doesn’t require actively engaging with your sales team.

Virtual tours increase conversion rates because they allow potential buyers to see your brand’s story just by clicking the screen, which doesn’t require actively engaging with your sales team.

1) Focus on your brand’s story and hone in on the highlights of that story. Make it personal and easy for customers to relate.

Leave out unneeded phrases and focus only on the benefits your customers want to know about. Using this strategy allows you to pack more content into your virtual tour description.

Also, use the descriptions section of your virtual tours to include personal anecdotes that help bring your brand’s story to life. This is good storytelling because it gives their customers an idea of what they can expect from their interactions with Red Bull, which helps build trust and credibility.

Virtual tours allow potential buyers to see your brand’s story just by clicking a screen, which doesn’t require actively engaging with a sales team. When a visitor views a 360-degree virtual tour like ViviScape’s Essenhaus Inn tour, they see what makes this hotel and conference center special. By seeing the venue’s high points customers see what makes that brand special, what makes it stand out from the rest.

2) Make sure your virtual tour appeals to customer’s wants and needs by asking yourself “What do my customers want to know?”

Find out what your customers want to know about your brand by asking them directly, or by analyzing customer reviews.

Once you find out this information, create a virtual tour that is targeted to their needs and wants.

3) Include high-quality interactive visuals that help tell a compelling story about what makes your company different.

Using professional photography and video is the best way to showcase your brand and it tells your story in an impactful way that maximizes engagement.

Don’t be afraid to include other multimedia elements like 360-degree photos, videos, graphics etc. to give your tour a unique touch.

Google My Business images must have a high enough resolution and aspect ratio in order to meet their standards. They also limit file size so you’ll want pictures taken with quality components.

4) Don’t be afraid to use descriptions and call-outs that are unique and memorable.

Even though you want to include high-quality content, don’t be afraid of utilizing innovative product descriptors and call outs.

For example, if you sell products or locations that are unique to your brand, don’t be afraid of talking about them in a way that is memorable.

Descriptions allow you to highlight the best features of your venue, so don’t feel as though you have to stick only to the bare bones details.

Also, avoid being generic with your call outs. Generic call outs are dry and will overshadow your property or venue’s best features. Memorability is key when it comes to virtual tours, so don’t be afraid of being different if that means people will remember you more.

5) Ensure virtual tours include a clear call-to-action.

Include a clear call-to-action that prompts visitors to take the next step. For example, create a virtual tour that includes study material, like an FAQ, for potential buyers to go through in order to answer questions they may have about your business or property.

By including this information in your virtual tours, you increase your chances of converting more visitors into buyers.

Tell Your Brand’s Story with Visual Flair

With the use of high-quality visuals, compelling copy and clear call-to-actions, you can create virtual tours that maximize engagement and convert more visitors into customers. Utilizing these strategies will help you develop a competitive edge in today’s digital marketplace by telling your brand’s unique story via interactive visual elements like 360 degree photos or videos. If this sounds daunting or if you want some help developing this strategy, let us know! Our ViviScape marketing experts are here for you 24/7 to collaborate on creating innovative content that engages customers online so they remember who you are when it comes time to buy!

Contact our virtual reality experts at ViviScape or call us at (574) 207-6511 to get started! We are happy to help you achieve your goals through the power of technology and innovation.

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