How to Create Experiences That Matter: The importance of providing an exceptional customer experience

You’d be surprised by how much companies don’t know about their customers. 

Learning how customers and their peers express themselves helps you personalize the customer experience and ensure an outstanding one.

At ViviScape, we think of customer experience as exceeding your customer’s expectations at every step along the customer journey. Many people confuse customer experience with customer service, but these are different terms. However, these ideas share a strong connection. Customer service is definitely a key strategy of an excellent customer experience. 

Other customer experience strategies include:

  • Responding to social media comments

  • Keeping content consistent and up-to-date

  • Simplifying the buying process

  • Deepening your understanding of the customer’s needs

  • Getting to know your customers in detail

  • Delivering a clear, concise, and consistent message

  • Providing learning resources that your customers need

Who is your customer? What are their goals?

Think about the emails and email newsletters you receive. Which ones piqued your interest and why? The good ones–the ones you actually read and maybe even subscribe to are worth studying. Why did they matter to you? The sender knew exactly what you as a customer wanted. This is a result of intense study of who your customer is and what they want. If you know these two important pieces of information, you’ll know what and how to deliver custom content to each of your customers. Customers appreciate a business that attends to their specific needs by creating the perfect customer experience. 


Customer experience can be delivered not just via email marketing, but also through YouTube videos, podcasts, VR tours, 3D photography, aerial drone photography, support calls, landing pages, and websites. Remember, every interaction whether it’s marketing, customer service, social media responses, onboarding, etc.– all of these contribute to the customer’s perception of the company throughout the customer journey. These interactions are so important because they contribute to the customer experience. To achieve this, you’ll need to focus on getting to know the customer and finding out specifically what they want. 

Focus on Relationships

Focus on the customer relationship rather than merely brand awareness or getting the most clicks, retweets, and likes. Building a relationship with your customer and delivering an excellent customer experience will bring more leads through referrals as well as repeat purchases.

Examples of Customer Experience Strategy

Here are three examples of how ViviScape delivers great customer experiences to clients and their customers:

VR Tours

As an example of a good customer experience strategy, ViviScape creates immersive and interactive VR tours for retail, manufacturing, construction, real estate, and other industries. A VR tour allows a supplier of specialized parts or custom products a way to bring their customer into the big picture. The customer can check out the specialized areas or pieces of the product or space without taking a drive to the property, space, or store to do so. This delivers specific views to the customer on their time.

Mobile Responsive Websites

Another example of good customer experience strategy is our custom websites. We get to know our clients as well as their customers in order to give them exactly what they want when they want it. 


A third example of delivering a quality customer experience is video marketing. Using videos to inform your customers saves them time and assists (sometimes expedites!) the customer experience resulting in a favorable impression of your company and you as a subject matter expert in your field.

The role of emotions in shaping experiences 

Being aware of a customer’s emotions can improve their customer experience. For instance, you can give more attention to more urgent-sounding messages from customers. This comes into play even with the design of a website. You’ll want to make navigation simple, easy, and guided for specific purposes. Always consider your customer’s lifestyle and modus operandi. Are they busy? Adjust the customer experience to fit how they approach your website or content. Certain requests may require a more urgent response than others. Emails and chatbot messages can be adjusted to fit the occasion and the customer’s specific needs. 

With all of your content, you’ll want to make it easily accessible and user-friendly. Customers want to find the information they need quickly, so website design, UX, and customer service are key components in customer design. There are more factors in creating a successful customer experience, but these are a few common ones.

How your mind influences behavior 

Your customer’s current state of mind influences how they interpret incoming messages and what they do with the received information. That’s why businesses sometimes use surveys or focus groups to help them get to know their ideal customers. This lowers the risk of sending customers unwanted messages which they won’t respond to in the intended way. In other words, do your homework!

If you get to know your target customer’s background, goals, demographics, and idiosyncrasies, you’ll be able to meet them where they’re at and deliver your message at the right time and place in life. No company wants to send unwanted messages because it’s pointless and may even leave a negative impression of your company.

Our ViviScape marketing strategists take the time to study customer persona and sales data to make informed marketing decisions that create the ultimate customer experiences.

How you can deliver excellent customer experiences

The data your customers share improves your understanding of how they express themselves across all platforms and interactions. Hence, they receive the interactions they want at that particular time in their life. 

When you think about great customer experiences, you probably picture a luxury hotel with personalized service and all the amenities you could ever want or need. It’s easy to dismiss such experiences as out of reach for your company, but they’re not.

Every touchpoint you have with your customers is an opportunity to deliver that kind of experience. For more tips check out our article “5 Ways to Build Authentic Customer Experiences.”

You can provide great customer service by focusing more on the experiences you are creating for customers rather than dollar signs, performance reviews, and quotas. 

Here’s what you need to do:

When planning your customer experience strategy, try these techniques:

  • Focus on customer experience 

  • Put the customers first 

  • Remember you are doing this for your customer. It should be about them and not you. 

  • Scrutinize every touchpoint you have with customers. 

  • Know what your customer wants before they ask for it from you.

  • Remember why your customers are coming back to you.

  • Know what your customer wants and when they want it before they ask for it from you. 

  • Take your time to hone your skills in providing exemplary customer service. 

  • Ask for help if needed. For example, chatbots can provide after-hours customer service.

  • Remember to put yourself in the customers’ shoes.

  • Make sure you are providing excellent service so they will return for more time after time.

  • Think outside of your industry. 

  • Stop focusing on money and start focusing on end-user experience. 

What is your customer experience like? Today, many companies struggle to figure out how to use customer experience data. Please contact our marketing team at ViviScape today for information on how we can partner together to create a successful digital marketing strategy. We want to help businesses like yours gain insight into the minds of their customers.

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