Facebook Outage Highlights the Importance of a Backup Solution

The outage that shook Facebook on October 4th also shook many small businesses in the United States and globally. Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp stopped working shortly before noon Eastern time on Monday, October 4, 2021, when the websites/apps for Facebook’s services were sending out error messages.

Six hours later, after the platforms went down, at around 7 p.m. (EST), Mark Zuckerberg announced that Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and Messenger were back online. Also, he apologized for the disruption and wrote, “I know how much you rely on our services to stay connected with the people you care about.”

The October 4th outage was the longest downtime for the popular platform since 2008.

If you were one of the 3.5 billion users of Facebook, perhaps this made you wonder how reliable the platform is and how safe your FB content is. If you are a business owner using Facebook, you’re most likely looking for other content and post storage options.

After all, you want to have 24/7 access to your social media content, posts, and messages. Some businesses use Facebook as their primary business webpage. These companies’ lines of communication with their customers and one of their main channels for customer contact were disrupted for about six hours. Can you imagine how those businesses handled this almost full business day without accessing their Facebook business page, tools, and posts? Many of these businesses that rely on Facebook for their main social media channel were left empty-handed and lost thousands of dollars in potentially lost revenue as a result.


Are there other options for social media content management?

Yes! ViviScape has developed a helpful tool for small and medium-sized businesses to organize and create content for websites, blogs, and social media posts. FlyTrap makes it easy to create your next social media or blog post and share it with collaborators.

It’s an easy-to-use publishing tool for any business owner who is a technophobe or a business owner looking for a content and publishing platform independent of social media platforms like Facebook. You can still share on all of these popular social media channels! All you have to do is copy and paste the provided link along with the summary and hashtags you create within the FlyTrap tool. This publishing feature gives you the option of creating and saving your blog articles and posts in a separate space, independent of platforms and apps like Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp. FlyTrap is free with premium upgrades!


With FlyTrap, you can do the following:

  • Easy-to-build one-page website
  • Build brand awareness
  • Share content
  • Spread the word about promotions
  • Get feedback from your customers via polls
  • Build contact lists
  • Create sales funnels
  • Gather valuable insights from impressions and post views
  • Increase impressions and backlinks
  • and advertise.

To learn more about how FlyTrap can help your business gain maximum exposure to a local audience, visit our Flytrap Business page. FlyTrap makes it easy for your business to distribute content and engage your customers, but that’s not all!

FlyTrap isn’t just a content library. It’s a powerful sales tool, particularly within your local community. That’s why FlyTrap is an ideal content management, sales, and storage solution for small businesses.

FlyTrap’s “GO Shop” feature makes it easy to sell your products and services online without the hassles of building complex websites and E-Commerce stores. Simply provide information about your business’s products and services. FlyTrap takes care of the rest!

To read more about GO Shop and how it simplifies the process of creating a shopping-friendly e-commerce website, visit our FlyTrap GO Shop page.

It’s important to protect yourself by storing content with an alternative system like ViviScape FlyTrap so that even if one platform is down, you can still access all of your data and continue posting new content for customers who are eagerly waiting to see what’s next!

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