Combine Augmented Reality & Virtual Events for Stunning Product Launches and Demos

One of the biggest “game-changers” in the world of technology in the last decade has been, without a doubt, the advancements in virtual and augmented reality. Whether you’re sitting on your couch or visiting a museum, you can’t deny the powerful and hypnotic effect digital platforms have on our collective minds.

However, many entrepreneurs, CEOs, and large organizations see augments and virtual reality mechanisms as a toy used for video games, movies, music and alternative media. When presented with tools that utilize virtual and augmented solutions as a means of capturing market share and showcasing new products, naysayers scoff at the idea, or worse, turn a blind eye. If this sounds like you, here’s why you must consider augmented and virtual platforms for your upcoming products and services line.

What Are Augmented and Virtual Reality, Anyway?

Simply put, augmented and virtual reality turns the world as you know it on its head. Although each domain plays a pivotal role in bending our sense of the world, they do so in subtle ways that differentiate one another.

First, let’s address the elephant in the room: augmented reality. As its name implies, augmented reality distorts our view of the world and bends it to our will. If you’ve visited a museum or archaeological presentation in the last few years, you’ve probably seen augmented reality at work.

Rather than presenting viewers with a traditional three-dimensional representation of a subject, event organizers and planners utilizes special tools — hologram projectors, 3D glasses, etc. — that allow visitors to engage with the material in a digital medium. Rather than seeing a Tyrannosaurus skeleton tower above you with awe-inspiring size and power, you can see the form come to life via digital platforms.

Not only does this provide additional insight into the topic, but it captivates your audience and forces them to the edge of their seats with anticipatory excitement. In a general sense, augmented reality enhances your physical surroundings using intuitive technologies.

Similarly, virtual reality gives individuals a pre-programmed “reality” in which to interact with and converse with visitors. To paint a brief analogy, imagine an online chatroom filled with tens, if not hundreds, of interested individuals. Rather than speaking to these visitors in a text format, you can interact within a virtual realm, where each individual has a digital body that enacts their wills and desires. Moreover, the entire space you “interact” with these users is a pre-programmed domain created by the organizer.

While this domain is used regularly as the basis for popular gaming titles, it’s slowly becoming to go-to solution for individuals with clientele located around the globe. Whether COVID-19 restrictions prevent travel or a client is unable to come to a product launch or meeting, virtual reality gives them access to a behind-the-scenes view of distant projects and products.

How These Technologies Splash Over Into the Business World

For leaders of industry and budding entrepreneurs, augmented and virtual reality is the solution you’ve been looking for after all these years. Whether you operate a service-oriented business or create captivating physical products, using digital domains to highlight and capture the aura of your organization is easier than ever.

Let’s face it: getting large groups of people together under the same roof is challenging at best. From local restrictions and post-COVID mandates, the amount of individuals willing to jump through hoops for a local convention is small. However, this is all about to change!

Virtual reality allows for digital conferences that, as their name implies, get people into a shared environment for product launches, tradeshows and webinars. More specifically, augmented and digital realities allow event organizers to give an in-depth experience for various products. If that sounds a little confusing, let’s clear some things up.

Zoom Into the Product

Ever wondered what life would be like at the micro-level? Well, with augmented and virtual digital solutions, now you can experience it for yourself! Imagine zooming into your product and viewing each tiny piece of its makeup while conversing with a captivated audience. Rather than explaining your product’s features with a boring and bland slideshow filled with bullet points, you can bend the laws of our world with virtual reality and “live” inside the device.

Moreover, you can use your audiences’ smartphone camera to pan over your seminar for a full-fledged augmented experience. Rather than viewing a traditional stage like we’ve grown accustomed to, attendees can see your product come to life and contort itself into various orientations via their smartphone’s screen.

If that weren’t enough, augmented and virtual realities give audience members a front-row seat to the best presentation on the planet. If you’re a real-estate mogul, for example, trying to entice a potential buyer with a new location, allow them to tour it within the digital realm! No one enjoys being spoken “to,” so why not visit and journey through various locations without having to leave the comfort of home or an office? While this borders on the lines of fantasy, sometimes dreams become a reality!

Why Virtual Domains Must Be Considered for Product Launches

Whether you’re a newfound business owner or the organizational strategist for a large brand, one thing is clear: the future is here to stay. Rather than doing things the way you’ve always done them, take advantage of the technologies and tools available to you.

This article is only the tip of the iceberg; the beauty of virtual and augmented realms is that they defy logic and allow budding entrepreneurs and success magnates to bend the world to their will. From giving a novel experience during a trade show to dissecting the inner workings of an upcoming product with 3D technologies, no project is too large or too trivial for the world of virtual and augmented reality.

If you’re interested in learning more about how ViviScape can help your business take advantage of augmented and virtual reality, please don’t hesitate to contact us! Our team of experts is more than happy to discuss the possibilities with you and help you create a strategy that will work best for your needs. Contact us or call (574) 207-6511.

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