Learn More About What Makes Us Special

About ViviScape

Our Purpose:
Work Together, Grow Together

Our Vision:
Our vision is to create digital experiences where community, growth, and innovation intersect seamlessly. We strive to build software and brands that fulfill the needs of our clients and encourage strong collaborative relationships.

Elkhart, IN ViviScape

We Can’t Be Us Without You

Who we are is important to us, but what’s more important is who you are. At ViviScape, you’re not just a client, instead you’re our partner. We listen to your needs, understand your business challenges, focus on your vision, and then provide you with innovative solutions. We have a proven track record of diverse expertise as well as a deep understanding of marketing and software development.  This level of expertise ensures we deliver what you need to make your dreams come true.


Love what we do


Passionate about your project


Dedicated to providing quality services


Motivated by partner needs


Choose to do what's right for you, not for us

Here are some of our successful partners

About ViviScape

We’re Passionate About Creating Your Business Vision

ViviScape provides marketing and development services that unlock the growth potential for businesses and organizations.

Our Mission

Strive to empower our partners by boosting their strengths, helping to bridge any gaps we see, and providing future innovations and pathways to success

Our Vision

Build strong relationships by using the time necessary to understand how our partners’ companies work and then create the pathway we take together, evolving and innovating our partners’ brands


Discovery starts with us! We work closely with you, your company, and ultimately your brand to understand your ideas, your intended target audience, and the core of “who” you are.  This in-depth understanding and connection allows us to plan our journey together as we take your company’s endeavors to new and extraordinary heights!


Yes, it works, but does it look good?

Our experienced designers take your visions to new, innovative places by creating a visual, conceptual design. Guided by our expertise and your branding, we develop a professional, one-of-a-kind look for your product.


With our plan and design in hand, we bring life and reality to your company’s dreams. Piece by piece, we craft and test your product, ensuring that it works flawlessly for your audience. Our genius engineers, developers, and production team assemble and build a final product ready to distribute.


To the masses it goes!

Our final phase is to celebrate our journey from dream to reality by distributing your final vision to your target audience. Watch the fruit of your labors yield some strikingly amazing results!

Our Team in Action

When we say we love what we do, we weren’t kidding. Check out some of our team hard at work…or maybe having a little fun!  

Disclaimer: Our team may or may not have signed off on having these pictures live on the site. Our digital website magicians will not accept any fault or guilt.